Are there times when you feel uncomfortable in crowded places? Are there moments when you feel as if your space is being invaded? Some people[…]
Angels are truly universal. The Pew Foundation reported that 72% ofAmericans believe in an angelic presence. This is a much higher percentage than Americanswho believe[…]
Even when you feel as though you are completely alone, there are divine companions who are always with you. Before your incarnation they chose to[…]
The history of dream interpretation dates back at least as far as 3000-4000 B.C. We know that all humans, and many animals, dream every night,[…]
You Must First BE What You Want Many people find out about the Law of Attraction when they are struggling to build a life that[…]
Anxiety and the Law of Attraction If you are one of the many people who is suffering from anxiety and stress you can take heart.[…]
Manifesting with the Law of Attraction is all about aligning your thoughts and actions into what you want to happen in your life. It practices[…]
Aromatherapy For Your Journey Going on a trip is usually thought of as a wonderful experience, one that you and your family may have planned[…]
I remember when I first discovered aromatherapy as a novice many years ago. I was fascinated by essential oils and I got excited to try[…]
There is a guiding principle to using a dream journal for dream interpretation, and Edgar Cayce said it best when he called for us to[…]